Foooor awhile now I've wanted super white blonde hair. I've been leading up to suggesting it to my mother for a few months, but from her subtle doubt I quickly realised that she wasn't going to say 'hell yes', or pay for it, but she wouldn't stop me if I did it myself. Then! I found the cut, the perfect cut, while designing my new jewellery range. See below-

And I asked Facebook their thoughts. Because I didn't have the pic on me I showed everyone these:

But they said no, no, no. You a silly head, Danni. But they voted in the original, so that's awesome sauce, right?
My hairdresser thinks -she's nuts! Fresh dyed brunette hair dyed pure white in a day??? I went in at 12.30, had to go to work at 5.00... and left the salon at 5.20. Oops. Three bleaches and a toner later, I had blonde on top, brunette on bottom, and I popped back in the next day for 45 minutes for the fringe and layers. Wow.
I didn't think it would be that intense! Or take soooo long. But it's so awesome now. One of my lovely Facebook friends thinks I look like this:

I was thinking more like this:

But I'm happy with the compliment!
So, you like? <3 Danni
Definitely looks amazing!